The Case for Clinton


Caitlin Chen, Editor-in-Chief

In a typical election, we would compare the candidates on the issues. We would weigh political experience against stances and policies, and we would debate which of their plans would most likely succeed in our political climate. We would examine their leadership ability, diplomacy, and past speeches. Doing so for this election, however, would be a futile exercise.

Hillary Clinton brings a record of service and sacrifice to the table. Over the past year and a half, we have watched her: rational, collected, and experienced. She has carefully laid out her plans on her website, in speeches, and in debates. Her opponent, whose main claim to competency is as a celebrity and businessman and has neither her experience in politics nor her grace.

An analysis by the nonprofit, nonpartisan organization Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget also reported that Donald Trump’s tax policies, if implemented, will push America’s debt to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio, currently at 75 percent, to unsustainable levels. Clinton’s tax policies, focused on increasing taxes on wealthy Americans and closing loopholes allowing businesses to relocate overseas, will increase the ratio to 86 percent. Trump’s will increase the ratio to 105 percent as a result of his plan to cut taxes across the board.

Trump’s restrictive immigration policies are also predicted to stunt GDP growth, according to the committee. While Clinton’s immigration plans will boost economic output from the projected long-run growth rate from 2 percent to 2.3 percent, Trump’s policies will trim growth from 2 percent to 1.7 percent.

Each of Clinton’s policies follow similar veins of reason and economy, while Trump seems to have no well-reasoned plans at all. During the second debate, she explained why we could not, as Trump proposed, simply repeal the Affordable Care Act to leave Americans to the mercy of capitalism. She recognized that the Act provided healthcare for millions of low-income households and people with pre-existing conditions, regulating the health insurance industry to expand the quality and affordability of health insurance.

Later during the same debate, when asked about how they would deal with Syria and the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo, Trump first railed on the shortcomings of Obama administration before, after much prompting, vaguely declaring that “you have to knock out ISIS.”

Clinton, on the other hand, explained exactly how she would address the issue, naming specific individuals and groups involved. She suggested negotiating with the Russians, sending in special forces, and arming the Kurds. She drew from her previous experience as Secretary of State, and said, “I would specifically target Baghdadi, because I think our targeting of Al-Qaeda leaders — and I was involved in a lot of those operations, highly classified ones — made a difference.”

Comparing their careers and actions through the years also reveals patterns of social conscience for Clinton and intolerance and ineptitude for Trump.

In 1995, Clinton delivered a landmark speech at a United Nations Conference in Beijing, declaring that “human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights, once and for all,” despite pressure from both China and the internal administration to soften her stance. In 2006, as an innocent, young 59-year-old, Trump joked about grabbing “women by the pussy.”

While she was earning her title as the most-traveled Secretary of State, Trump was dealing with class-action lawsuits against his university. While she helped pass landmark trade agreements with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea and negotiated a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, Trump was leading the crusade for President Obama’s birth certificate.

On Nov. 8, Americans have to choose between a graceful, experienced public servant and a blustering, cheeto-faced bigot with an inexplicable goggle tan and no concrete plans for the highest office in the land. Clinton is the right choice for a better, safer, stronger America. Against Trump, we have seen her ability to remain calm under pressure, her preparedness, and her strength. Even against another opponent, she would still be the right choice, a candidate able to offer a long record of success and commitment. Every vote matters, and every vote for Hillary Clinton is the right choice.