Slap Face Coffee & Tea, located on Fremont Blvd., draws out a diverse and eclectic crowd. With a menu chock-full of creative items and an abundance of late night events, this new cafe offers a step outside of suburbia. Owner Mike Rozenblum opened Slap Face six months ago, transforming what was previously an old bank into a cafe with personality and versatility.
Even if coffee is the primary attraction of any cafe, Slap Face’s is truly spectacular. Although the prices are reasonable, their lattes, mochas, affogatos, and teas are visually appealing and wonderfully made. Slap Face’s vibrant drinks, such as red velvet lattes, look great on any Instagram feed. Pastries are equally delicious and choices include the popular Nutella croissants and piroshkis, Russian buns that are a rare treat in Fremont. Slap Face is unique in that it offers the homemade gourmet ice cream brand Marianne’s, originally only available in Santa Cruz, in a multitude of unique flavors.
Another feature that draws many to Slap Face is the cafe’s wide-ranged interior design. Visitors are blanketed in a patchwork of retro 90’s Europe, grunge style, and minimalistic, classic coffeehouse feel. The environment is very open, with space for both sitting and standing patrons. The walls display intriguing paintings: one is of a geisha submerged in a latte and picking her nose, which adds an element of absurdity and is a common conversation starter.
Just a glance at their Facebook calendar displays the wide variety of happenings at Slap Face. The cafe hosts karaoke, poetry readings, jazzy date evenings, opera, magic shows, stand up comedy, and more. These events are open to everyone and thrive on audience involvement. In an event called “Slap Face Teach Me Stuff,” everyone was welcomed to present and share a tidbit of useful knowledge, in a format similar to TedTalks. Another event, the cafe’s first latte art competition on Oct. 14, allowed anyone to sign up and compete against friends to create lattes that were auctioned off to audience members.
Irvington junior Alan Kouch, has performed at Slap Face a few times.
“The first [performance] was definitely the most memorable,” said Kouch. “All in all, performing live for the Slap Face crowd is calm, but exhilarating at the same time. The folks here are very supportive, so I’d absolutely recommend that poets and performers take the stage.”
Employees are often asked about the intent and mindset behind Slap Face.
“Our goal at Slap Face Coffee from the get-go was to create a platform for artistic expression and to contribute in bringing culture and art to our incredibly diverse East Bay community,” Slap Face employee Yelena said. “We are drawn to talent, and wanted to provide an opportunity to showcase it at our cafe.”
With a cool name backed by an equally cool coffeehouse, Slap Face has plenty of unique events, delicious food and drinks, and a charmingly eccentric aesthetic. So if ever you are in need of a caffeine fix, a new date idea, a place to study until midnight, or you just want to hang out with friends and chat, Slap Face Coffee & Tea is the place to be. Be sure to look out for Slap Face’s next Open Mic Night on Dec. 10.