“I’m dedicated to the school and I’m really proud to be here.”
Serena: Can you describe your campaign in one word?
Ryan: Involvement, because I really want to involve the student body in the decisions in ASG makes.
S: How would you do that?
R: Obviously, I would use platforms like Facebook to put out more forms and surveys out there so that people are able to reach out to us (ASG) and tell us what they want to see.
S: Why are you the best candidate for class officer?
R: I feel like I have the experience because I’ve been in Key Club and worked on running and organizing events and I feel that I’m dedicated to the school and I’m really proud to be here.
S: Why do you say that you are dedicated to school?
R: I feel that I’m genuinely excited to come here. It’s not always the best because of classes and stress and everything, but it’s really exciting [sometimes] and I always look forward to spirit weeks or homecoming. I think it’s really fun.
S: What is one defining moment in your leadership career?
R: I was in ASG in eighth grade and I feel like that gave me a good sense on how student government works and I think it helped me get an idea of how to balance getting things done but also having input from people, which can awhile.
S: What is one way you will gain input from your class?
R: Surveys.
S: How will you reach outside the “popular kids” bubble?
R: For my class council, I would choose people to represent everyone so when I work with them, I can get an understanding of the entire class of 2023.
S: What do you want to get done as class officer?
R: I want to be able to organize homecoming week in a more structured way to increase the amount of benchbuilding that we’re able to do and also give more opportunities for people to reach out to their class officers and to ASG.
S: How would you structure homecoming differently?
R: Right now, I feel it’s really loose, and there’s not a lot of deadlines or anything, so I would enforce some deadlines so that the things for benchbuilding are done faster and organize specific committees to work on projects.
S: What would you do differently than how it’s being done now? Improvements?
R: I really think I just want to focus on organizing benchbuilding in that way and also more input.
S: Do you believe your class has unity?
R: Yes, but I feel like we can always have more experiences where we can get to know each other better.
S: Experiences like what?
R: Fundraisers, events like spirit days, and especially ones that they would want to do.
S: How would you encourage school spirit in your class?
R: I’d really pub all the events and hype things up before.
S: How will you recruit students for class council?
R: I think I would look that they have a passion to do things for the school and definitely I want people to represent the different groups that we have on campus, so when I work with them, I get a lot of ideas.
S: Examples of people on campus you want to target?
R: Definitely, there’s popular people, but I want people who are friends with the people who are generally not as involved in school activities so I can hear what they want to do.
S: How will you organize and manage this large group of people in your class council?
R: I would make sure that communication between them is really smooth, and I want them to feel like they can always reach out to me to clarify anything, and I would always tell them what my expectations are so that they know what to do.
S: How would you delegate tasks?
R: I guess I’d look at the specific committees in class council to delegate them.
S: How will you push to increase school spirit within class council?
R: I guess I’d give them some sort of incentive or something to participate in them, I know this year we did strike system- I feel that works well, at least having them participate in these events.
S: How will you change bench building if you got elected?
R: I would structure it similarly to class council, at least in the sense that there are committees because I feel like having groups gives them new opportunities to make new friends and having specific groups helps get tasks done faster.
S: Do you plan to have events after homecoming?
R: Of course, I definitely want to have more fundraising opportunities; I guess I’d plan one to have sometimes during finals week so that they have something to have.
S: What are your ideas for class bonding events?
R: I think having movie nights are a great idea where they can get to meet new people or maybe a social event, something in the sense of an ice cream social, so there are opportunities to meet new people, but also to fundraise.
S: What are some ideas you have for spirit week?
R; I haven’t really thought about this. I don’t know, personally I kinda wanna have a superhero day,
S: What differences do you see in ASB in junior high and ASG now?
R: I think ASB in junior high was a good class to kind of get involved, but I feel like the level of involvement here at Irvington is definitely larger and there are more opportunities for people in the class to make big changes to the campus here.
S: Biggest appeal to voters?
R: Definitely, I think of myself as approachable, and I feel like I’m friends with a lot of people from different groups so I am able to understand what they want to see on campus.