COACH ABRAHAM: “I first started playing volleyball recreationally when I was in sixth grade, but I did not take it seriously until my junior year of high school, when my school finally decided to create a boys team. That’s how I started my volleyball career. I didn’t start coaching until the boys season of last year, so I’ve been coaching for about a year.
My favorite part of coaching is witnessing the camaraderie and seeing the team unite, while also watching each individual player grow. I think it’s awesome to be able to see young girls and boys develop to their true potential.
On the contrary, disciplining players is definitely a hard thing to do as a coach, but sometimes you have to step back and look at the bigger picture and the values that you want to instill in your team. Of course, keeping in mind that it’s for the better is what keeps me grounded when I do have to make those difficult decisions. So far this season, it’s been difficult to figure out which style of coaching best resonates with my team. It’s being able to reach out to your players without being too harsh, but then also being strict enough to make them grow. Those are difficult adjustments that you have to make day by day, game by game.
A valuable piece of advice I have would be to not lose sight of the bigger picture. When things get tough, when you know the season is getting into the thick of it, be reminded of the growth that you had as a coach individually, and also the growth of your team. Always keep that at the forefront of your mind. There’s going to be practices that aren’t good, and there’s going to be games that aren’t good, but remind yourself that every day you are improving and that you’re doing a great job every single day as a coach.
My goal right now for my team is to help them unlock their potential. I think they’re having a hard time right now tapping into that. So just maneuvering, pushing the right levers and the right buttons for them to be able to unlock that potential is my goal right now for my team.”