The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

    Teacher Interviews: Mrs. Ghardora

    Q: What classes do you teach?

    A: Chemistry and Physics

    Q: Have you ever taught before?

    A: Yes, for 17 years. At the Khalsa College, in Bombay, India – i taught chemistry for nine years and Vallejo Mill Elementary for four years as a science teacher. 

    Q: What kinds of things do you enjoy doing outside of school?

    A: I like to take care of my family. Cooking, taking care of my kids, keeping track of their grades, going on vacations together. We’ve been all over the place, including Switzerland, England, Singapore, and different 

    Q: Favorite movie of all time?

    A: Cheaper By the Dozen. I like it because its a family movie and its hilarious. 

    Q: If you could meet one famous person, dead or alive, who would it be and what would you talk about?

    A: Leonardo DaVinci. I would ask him, “What inspired you to discover so many things in different fields? 

    Q: What is something about you from high school that students would be surprised to learn?

    A: I liked to learn languages. I learned to read and write in Hindi and Punjabi. I knew a bit of French, but I’ve forgotten most of it. Also I was really interested in drawings and paintings. 

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