The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


This year’s hug line, started by Irvington’s French Connexion club, united about one hundred and fifty students in the courtyard on Friday, October 2, 2009.  The students formed a circle that stretched from the sound speaker to the far blue benches in the courtyard.  The atmosphere was lively as people were jumping to the music and doing the “wave” around the circle; the energy lasted until the bell signaled the end of lunch. The circle was significantly bigger than last year’s initial attempt, which only managed to gather about one hundred people.

“The hug line was more lively this year than last year.  It was really fun.” says senior Salil Babbar, member of French Connexion.  The hug line was initiated as a tradition last year by Irvington’s own French Connexion club with the intentions of uniting the students of Irvington, spreading the French culture of love.  Madam Cayla, the club’s advisor, got the idea of the event from the annual San Francisco Lovefest event, whose purpose is lift the spirits and the hopes of people.

“The Hug line tradition was created to show the love at Irvington High School and to get everyone to come together to form a giant group of people who all want to share the love and accept each other” says senior Kaylyn Sung, member of French Connexion. The French Connexion club plans to continue this tradition for years to come.

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