The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

    How to Shop Smart on Black Friday

    1. No second thoughts. Pick it up and go.

    You don’t have time to think about what you buy. That’s why I advise you to buy it. You can always return it later.

    2. Memorize the map of the mall

    It’s important to know the mall you are going to and the stores inside it. If you are being adventurous and trying a new mall, print out a map of the mall ahead of time and highlight the shops you want to go to.

    3. Long lines are not worth it

    If a line is composed of more than 40 people, or it exits out of the store. Move on (unless you found a really good deal.)

    4.  Avoid dressing rooms

    Make a mental note of your general sizes in pants, shirts, and skirts. You don’t want to waste time trying things on.

    5. Estimate the time you plan to take for each store

    Keep a self timer in your head, so you can stick to a schedule

    6. Collect Coupons

    Upon the arrival of Black Friday, stores will be sending you coupons. Don’t throw them away at first glance, keep them even if you think you won’t go to the store.

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