The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

    New Additions to the Viking Family

    Interviews with the new Irvington faculty

    By Khushi Patel

    Mrs. Barret (Whyte), Art 1 Rm 62

    What was your high school experience like?

    “I went to James Logan as a high-schooler myself; I hated it. It was nice to have the social break that is college, but I was only pushed [by the high school] so far to graduate high school. [James Logan] wasn’t very big into college.”

    What are the differences between teaching here and teaching at James Logan?

    “I’m happy to come to work; it’s not work, it’s fun. I don’t mind getting here early [and] I get great input from my students; it’s fun!”

    Is there anything you would like to change about Irvington?

    “Oh no, I love it. It’s perfect! It has a great art program [and] everyone is outgoing and spirited.”

    Mrs. Barret
    Mrs. Barret



    Ms. Mattingly, U.S. History and Government/ Economy Room 62

    Something interesting?

    “I actually graduated from Washington High School; I am a fellow Fremontonian.”

    How has your experience at Irvington been so far?

    “My students are wonderful; I have a lot of students who are motivated to learn, and that always class so much fun. I really like the environment here because you guys are very club oriented and spirited.”

    Is there anything you would change about Irvington?

    “Well I don’t know about change, but I’m just kind of taking it in every day- everything that you guys have to offer- and there’s so much that [Irvington] has to offer, that I really don’t have anything I would like to change. I’m glad to see that they are starting a Model UN because I was part of Model UN in college. I’m sure that if they hadn’t started that then I would have pushed to start that.”

    Miss Mattingly
    Miss Mattingly


    Ms. Conlon, chemistry teacher P8

    Is there anything interesting you would like to share?

    “I’m a new science teacher here at Irvington, and I previously taught in Oakland Unified School District, where I was a middle school teacher for a couple of years. I also have a cat named Chemmy, short for Chemistry, and she helps me do all of my grading. I sometimes bring her to class, in spirit of course, and she leaves little bite marks on all the kids’ papers.”

    Is there anything you want to tell us about your high school experience?

    “I’d say the biggest lesson I learned in high school [was] too have patience because eventually it [would] be over. I didn’t really care for high school.”

    How has your experience at Irvington been so far?

    “As a beginning year at a new school it has been wonderful. My [students] are amazing. They surprise me, they make me laugh, and they’re super thoughtful. When I challenge them to take it to the next level, they do.”


    Miss Conlon
    Miss Conlon

    Mr. Hagood, Physical Science, Math Rm 33

    Is there anything interesting you would like to share?

    “I like to play golf, baseball, football, and basketball. I’m from Southern California and I used to work in an elementary school, where I was an aide.”

    How has your experience at Irvington been so far?

    “It’s been cool, very comforting; everyone is super helpful. The admin is great and the students are cool.”

    What’s the most interesting thing that’s happened in your class so far?

    “The most interesting things are the volcanoes we are making in class right now. The students are using glue, flower, and water to make paper mache volcanoes.”

    Is there anything you would like to change about Irvington?

    “I would have to say no. Right now, everything seems to be pretty good and I like it here at Irvington.”

    Is there anything you have learned from working here, at Irvington?

    “Well my high school wasn’t as spirited as Irvington, so I have learned how important school spirit is and how helpful it can be. I wish my high school had this much spirit because it gives the students a sense of unity and friendship.”


    Mr. Hagood
    Mr. Hagood

    Mr. Fraser 12th grade English, 10th grade English Rm: Norse Hall

    Is there anything interesting you would like to share about yourself?

    “I’m from Boston and I love getting out and hiking and swimming. My favorite places here in California are Yosemite and Big Sur. I love to swim at Sea Cliff- I love the ocean it makes me feel energized.”

    How has your experience been at Irvington?

    “I love Irvington; I love being involved here. It’s amazing to see the spirit week decorations and the admin and staff has been so welcoming and supporting.”

    Is there anything you would like to change about Irvington?

    “Honestly, I would like a new building because I’ve been teaching in the Norse Hall. I know Mrs. Smut has been working on that, which I’m grateful for, and hopefully I’ll be moving into the portables soon.”

    Is there anything from your high school experience that you would like to share?

    “It didn’t have the school spirit that Irvington had so it’s good to see that. I went to a really competitive high school in Newton, outside of Boston, and it’s good to see all the school spirit. The spirit and involvement puts things in perspective and relieves some of the pressure. We didn’t have all these activities- we didn’t even have a pool.”

    Mr. Fraser
    Mr. Fraser


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