Class fundraisers off to a promising start
Chipotle burritos were a popular choice at the senior class’ fundraiser on Oct. 21.
October 31, 2016
Oftentimes, fundraising is overlooked in the vast sea of events that go on at Irvington. Many students think that attendance is poor, and not enough proceeds go to their class funds. However, fundraising plays an important role in reducing costs of a lot of events and building unity within classes.
This year’s senior class is doing well in comparison to last year’s fundraising efforts. Their success is due in part to the mentality that comes with senior year–it is the last year to participate and to make memories, and students are eager to do so. There have been restaurant fundraisers at popular chains such as Chick-Fil-A, Chipotle, and Yogurtland, as well as event fundraisers like Senior Picnic and Senior Sunrise. Event fundraisers do not raise as much money because these events are mainly for student enjoyment rather than raising funds.
The biggest beneficiary of fundraising is prom costs. Contrary to popular belief, fundraisers do not help lower Grad Night costs. Grad Night is parent planned, and is not tied to ASB’s fundraisers. But prom ticket prices are directly correlated to the fundraiser’s success–all the money raised goes to subsidizing prom ticket costs.
According to Senior Class Officer Aneesha Kumar, “Since Senior Ball is always in San Francisco, we have to pay off the venue, but we want to try to break even before then so that the extra money goes to end of the year senior events.” With the success of ticket sales in their previous year, the senior class will likely break even for prom.
So far, the junior class has had two fundraisers. Like the senior class, lowering prom ticket price is the largest target for their funds. By minimizing ticket costs, ASB hopes to incentivize more people to attend. Junior Class Officer Tara Lao said, “I think that it is too early to have a clear opinion, but from what I’ve seen we’ve had a lot of attendance.”
The sophomore class had its first restaurant fundraiser on the night of homecoming, but it is still too early to gauge success. However, sophomore class officer Jasmine Tong-Seely is hopeful. “Knowing our class, attendance will most likely stay constant or possibly increase,” she said. The money will be saved for class events that are centered around building unity and spirit. The freshman class has only participated in fundraising through Maze Day and Club Rush, but they look forward to more events in the future. “This money goes to anything class related that requires funds, like holding an event that needs decorations or having an activity that requires prizes,” said Freshman Class Officer Angela Xuan.
Class fundraisers are proving to be quite successful, and will lower costs for events in the future. Be on the lookout for future fundraisers and support your class!