Profiles on 2017-2018’s Class Officers!
March 23, 2017

Sarvesh: Running for class officer was really fun because I was able to reach out to close friends I’ve been with for so long and to new people. I learned a lot about what everyone wants, so I could hear everyone’s interests, and really understand who we are together as one unified class. However, I think we always see the same people participating every year, and I want to make events that reach out to a different variety of people, and bring more people together.
Julia: During my campaign, I enjoyed learning about people’s ideas and aspirations. I enjoyed making stuff, helping with the campaign, and learning about what people think. But as a class, we could use more spirit in general.

Faye: For me, campaigning was definitely stressful. It was my first time running for a campaign, so there was a lot of stuff to learn. But i think the main thing that pushed me through was thinking about why I wanted to run in the first place. One of my main goals as a class officer is to embrace our diversity. Our class has a lot of different social groups in it, and I really want to recognize and appreciate that. For example, during the week I talked to a group of CCA kids and they suggested having an open mic/skit night. Some of the ITA kids said they wanted a video game night. Things like these cater to what people want as opposed to us just putting out something and expecting people to come.
Jackie: I’ve already had experience campaigning, and it wasn’t as bad as I would have thought, but I definitely knew the stress it would take to run again. It was a pretty good experience though. Not only was I able to talk to new people I haven’t talked to before, but I was also inspired because I generally enjoy helping. Next year, I want to improve transparency, definitely, and communication between Class Council and the student body. One of my ideas is to revamp the bulletin board in the courtyard so it can become the centralized public area of our class. A lot of our publicity occurs over social media and it does not reach a large majority of our students.

Nava: Running for class officer was very stressful, but at the same time it was really fun. There’s really no way to describe it. For next year, I hope there is better communication between ASB and the student body, and a lot of people being more involved and sharing more passion.
Kaitlyn: Campaigning was really time consuming and it was a lot of work, but it was really great, because all the other candidates in our grade were really supportive like of me and of each other. I want improve the communication we have with our class, and I want to make more fundraisers that are convenient to attend and provide more profits.