Irvington Marching Band Exceeds Expectations This Season Yet Again

Varsity marching band performs one last time at the Lincoln Parade cr. IHS Vikings Music Booster
Irvington’s Marching Band finished their 2021 season on November 20th, securing another 10 awards in their final band review at Lincoln High. Out of the six band reviews they attended, Marching Band took home a total of 33 awards this season, including 11 first-place awards and 10 Sweepstakes, the highest placement of their respective divisions.
The band dedicated much of their time and energy into the band, especially to make up for the gap year from online learning—the transition back definitely proved to be a challenge.
“We tried our best online,” says Varsity Drum Major Isabelle Hsu (11). “But things like marching in a block or playing our instruments together just aren’t meant for remote learning.”
This year, Marching Band also had an influx of new members to fill in for parting seniors, which meant that almost half of Marching Band was composed of people who had never attended in-person practices before. The year-long break presented a major challenge, even for experienced players. However, this didn’t stop Varsity from consistently placing first, and Junior Varsity was also improving tremendously.
“Everyone in the marching band started in JV, myself included,” stated Isabelle. “And I believe it’s the learning and the improvement that count the most.” On top of JV’s hard work and determination were the leaders that led them through the season.
“I’m super proud of what our JV band was able to achieve this season,” says JV Section Leader Shannon Lo (11). “And with everything that they had to pick up in a span of a few months, it’s crazy how they were able to compete on the same level of some of the biggest marching bands in our region. It’s been one of the best highlights of my year working with them, seeing them steadily improve, and I wouldn’t trade my time with them for anything.”
While the competitions are certainly an opportunity for Marching Band to showcase their skills and talents, practices and team bondings made up a majority of the Marching Band experience as the band had practices nearly every day since the start of the season from 3:30 to 5:00 to perfect their music and marching. Irvington Marching Band has an unbelievable community filled with incredibly passionate and dedicated individuals that all come together to form this big, chaotic family.
“I want us to establish ourselves as the number one band,” says Mr. Rodda. “Make it known.”
Check out Color Guard’s season recap here.