Girls Golf Wraps Up Successful Season

Avril Brown

Golfer Jacquelyn Chen swings

On October 17th, Girls Golf wrapped up a successful season with a five win five loss record. Although they faced many difficulties with last year’s star player Adora Liu graduating, and the team having only 5 players (the minimum number of players to compete), the team’s dedication allowed them to rise above their challenges and continue to improve.

“Compared to last year, this year was a lot better,” reflects Captain Grace Phang (11), “in the beginning, it was a little bit rocky, but as the season went on my scores got a lot better compared to last year”.

Their dedication paid off at the MVAL game, where three members from Irvington got one of the top ten scores in the league, earning a spot in the All-League. Two of them, Grace Phang (11) who placed 7th, and Alice Wu (11) who tied for 10th, got in for the first time. 

“Getting into All-League was really fulfilling,” Phang remarks, “because last year I didn’t make it by three strokes. This year I made it and got an All-League medal, which was my goal for the year.”

For third-year player Zoe Anderson (11), this is her second time getting into the All-League, placing fifth with a much better score than last year. “I was really happy when I got a 37, because that’s one above par ” Anderson shares, with par being the number of strokes that an expert golfer should need to complete an individual course, “so that was a personal achievement for me”.

In addition to personal achievements, the team also celebrated a second-place victory at the MVAL game. “Personally, we didn’t feel the greatest,” shares Anderson, “But in the end, we came together as a team and made it special”.

Despite not winning the league championship, the team still got a chance to compete at the NCS tournament after the Coach applied for a spot. “We didn’t do great at NCS,” Anderson admits, “but I’m still happy that we got to go as a team and play together.”

“This year and last year we got into NCS but last year we had Adora and she was really good. This year we got in without her” shares Alice Wu, “I’m ready to do better next year, and hopefully, we can get into NCS again”.

“I’ve invested so much time into Golf,” reflects Captain Grace Phang,” And it is really fun. Even though it’s a small team, it’s a lot easier to bond with everyone in that way. And I really want to continue playing.”

“This team has worked hard and improved throughout the season,” says Coach Larry Harrington, “We are looking forward to the future also, with four players returning next season.”

“I’m also optimistic for next year because we have someone new coming. Their name is Elsa and we go to the same training program,” Anderson shares, “So I think that we’ll get a good team for next year.