Ms. Berbawy’s Engineering Expo Excites

Sashreek Rewatkar (11)

Engineering students pose triumphantly for a group photo.

On Monday, May 29, Ms. Berbawy held a design showcase in the Cafeteria for her Intro to Engineering Design and Principles of Engineering students to display their projects.

The atmosphere was lively and warm, and the engineering students were excited to show off their hard work and interact with each other’s projects.

“It was cool to see what everyone else was working on,” remarked Sonya Shetty (11). “Someone made mechanical wings and an air hockey table!”
Building various projects took months of careful planning and effort using computer-aided design (CAD) software. Yana Bapna (12) noted possible design pitfalls as she completed her project.

“I also had to CAD the lid and base, and to personalize it, I added a paw print on the top,” reflected Bapna. “This step is the most difficult because it’s important to ensure the tolerance and height of the base and lid align.”

Students felt more confident in their abilities through creating projects for the showcase.

“That’s what I’m most proud of,” thought Bapna. “Being able to use a 3D printer and becoming one of the few students that is allowed to use it without guidance and help other students start their prints.”

Ms. Berbawy has instilled independence in her students as they created projects.

“I helped with all the projects,” said Ms. Berbawy. “But one hundred percent, the kids did the work. I set the framework, created the space and let them fly.”