“I am an advisor for Indopak, Mecha, and DECA. I decided to become an advisor of these clubs because students at Irvington need a platform to come together and celebrate diversity and be proud of who they are.
When I started working here twenty three years ago, I noticed that there was no celebration of any holidays or traditions. It was sad to see because Irvington is rich in diversity and the students should be proud of that and acknowledge who they are. That made me realize how important being part of and helping clubs like Indopak and Mecha is for Irvington.
The impact that the two clubs have made is huge, there’s a change in showing off traditions and the customs of different religions, and then clubs coming together to celebrate culture. I’ve been able to see MEChA host Ritmo and Espanolandia, see Indopak pull off events like Bollynight and Dil Se, and watch clubs like DECA go from nineteen members to over two hundred. As an advisor, I’ve also seen the kids grow from being super shy to being a vital part of the club.
When I was in high school I was heavily involved in my school’s theater program, so I was able to witness first-hand that whatever you do in high school carries on to your life and at one point it comes back to you. I had a great time on my own and was able to meet a lot of new people, soI wanted to recreate that environment in Irvington. By being a club advisor, I’m able to help students have the amount of fun that I had in highschool, and gift them with memories that they’ll remember even after high school”