“That Jada and Will love” has been a whirlwind, making headlines for over a decade now, and the plot continues to thicken. From unpredictable entanglements revealed on “Red Table Talk” to hands thrown at the Academy Awards, this couple has managed to have the most public “private” life they possibly can. As they continue to reveal more about their relationship, let’s go over a recent timeline.
I wish I could say it all started at the Academy Awards, but controversy over their relationship has been ongoing from the moment they were married. On “Red Table Talk,” Jada revealed that she never wanted to marry Will, but was pressured by her mother and the news of her pregnancy to marry Will. To further Will’s humiliation, she recounts how she was “crying down the freaking aisle”, and it doesn’t seem like they were tears of joy.
Later, Jada revealed she had an “entanglement” with August Alsina, who is a singer-songwriter 21 years younger than Jada. Alsina later publicly stated that Will gave August his blessing to be with Jada, even though Will and Jada were still married.
The infamous slap heard ‘round the world at the 94th Academy Awards was the cherry on top of the controversy-filled cake. After Chris Rock, a comedian, made a joke about Jada, Will passionately responded by slapping Chris Rock and screaming “keep my wife’s name out your f***ing mouth.” After Will ruined his reputation, Jada Smith channeled her inner mamba and felt as though the “job is not finished,” so she went on her talk show and revealed that they hadn’t called each other “husband and wife in a long time.” She elaborated how she was confused why he was so upset since they weren’t there as a married couple, shoving Will’s reputation further down the gutter.
Recently, Jada stated in a interview with People that she and Will had been separated for 6 years prior to the slap at the Oscars, making Will’s motives even more unclear. On the contrary, she also said that they will be “together forever” and are working to get their partnership back on track. In some twisted way, the slap seemed to have bridged the distance between Will and Jada and revealed an undying love, that may have died for a couple of years, between them.
As J. Cole continues to omit “that Jada and Will love” from his lyrics while performing, the couple continues to show us why. Although there does seem to be love between them, their perplexing relationship doesn’t seem to make sense to anybody but them. Still, they continue to entertain us with their absurd situations and entanglements.