The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

New Registration Deadlines Impacts Courses at Irvington

A mock schedule on Aeries, the new system to be used by all of FUSD starting in the 2024-2025 school year.

Irvington administration will be finalizing schedules much earlier for the 2024-2025 school to meet the deadlines of the school district as they transition to a new student portal.

Starting on February 5, 2024, Irvington juniors will begin the registration process for the 2024-2025 school year, their senior year. Sophomores will be registering the week after, then freshman, and lastly current eighth graders. Despite the registration taking place the same time as last year, administration will be officially registering students much sooner in order to adapt to changes in the Fremont Unified School District. The whole of FUSD will be transitioning from Infinite Campus to Aeries, a portal commonly used in other schools outside of Fremont. 

“We don’t have the time after the window [of] registration [like] last year,” commented Assistant Principal Mrs. Howell. “Now because there’s a district deadline, we have to scoot things forward.” Not only will this early deadline allow admin to set functional class schedules, it would also ensure that AP and elective classes receive their correct class periods and rooms. For example, classes such as Journalism and Publications were not able to have access to the computer lab in room 84 due to mix ups during scheduling. Many other classes on campus were also struggling to accommodate the overflow of students in classes. There were also issues with students not getting the classes that they chose or getting placed in incorrect classes. The District and Administration hope that a shifted sign up schedule would resolve these issues.

While this early deadline may seem like an improvement to the system considering the scheduling conflicts at the start of the 2023-2024 school year, many classes are struggling to make adjustments to the change. Classes that require applications or auditions such as Publications, Journalism, and Choir now have to push forward their deadlines as well in order to have a class roster by the time registration is over in late February.

“Typically auditions are in April. This year, we have to have them in late February,” says choir teacher Mrs. Olson. “Our assistant principal wanted it by February 9, [but] that’s not feasible. I want to make sure that the students I’m putting into choirs, I’ve had enough time to see progress over the semester and a little bit more into semester two, [rather] than just a month.”

Although the earlier registration is heavily affecting many courses, admin are hoping that this deadline will make the transition into the next school year smoother compared to years before, considering the switch to the new parent and student portal Aeries.

About the Contributor
Ashley Wang
Ashley Wang, Staff Writer
Ashley Wang (10) is a first year staff writer, and is excited for her first year in The Voice. Outside of school, she enjoys dancing, drinking iced lattes, and scrolling on TikTok. She hates hiking and running with a passion, and loves sunsets, Sunny D, and Chipotle.
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