The debut of Despicable Me in 2010 led the franchise to an instant rise in success and popularity, with the adorable banana-loving minions following the supervillain Gru to commit absurd crimes. As the years go on, the franchise surprisingly continues to produce many more animated films surrounding Gru’s life and his iconic henchmen. With each installment, the series captivated audiences worldwide by blending humor, heartfelt content, and a touch of chaos. Their latest film, Despicable Me 4, produced by Illuminations Entertainment and Universal Pictures, continues this epic legacy as the sixth movie.
The film was directed by Chris Renaud, who has been a part of the franchise since the beginning. The returning cast includes Steve Carell voicing for Gru, while Pierre Coffin, who directed the older films, voices the minions. As Despicable Me 4 introduces new characters, Sofia Vergara and Will Ferrell join the unique cast as voices for the two main villains. Vergara is well known as one of the judges in America’s Got Talent, while Ferrell is known for his humorous acting in movies like Elf or Anchorman.
On July 3, 2024, fans of all ages rushed to the theaters with excitement to enjoy the quadrilogy. The movie continued the story of Gru’s growth from villainy to heroism, softening his heart after forming a family. Despicable Me 4 introduces a new member of the family: Gru Jr., who is a possible demon baby that loves to torment his father and is quite despicable. With the powerful supervillains Maxime de Mal and his girlfriend Valentina out with vengeance for Gru’s actions in high school, Gru’s family has to go on a run and live a double life.
Just like the other Despicable Me films, the fourth movie has impressive animation and a fun story. They always excel at mixing action, humor, and comedic violence into their films. As always, the minions never fail to be endearing and amusing. However, I think that this film had too many characters, taking away the minions’ screen time. I would like to see more minions since they represent the entire franchise. Because this movie can only last so long, newer characters did not have the chance to develop their traits, backstories, and potential. Maxime and Valentina should have appeared more often in the film because of their roles as the major antagonists. As for Gru Jr., I initially assumed he would take on a larger role with more scenes, and I wish he’d end up like Jack Jack, who earned his own spotlight in The Incredibles 2.
There were a couple of filler scenes that seemed to begin the derailment of the main plot, which was the conflict between Gru and Maxime, but it was still enjoyable to watch. I would have liked to see more of Gru’s family, where Lucy could fight more battles and turn the “gurls” (Margo, Edith, and Agnes) relevant again. However, the ending brought a smile to my face along with nostalgia.
Like the older films, this movie’s soundtrack is top-notch. You don’t need to be a musical expert to be able to enjoy it. Including another one of singer-songwriter and rapper Pharrell Williams’s brilliant songs made specifically for this franchise, his song “Double Life” is an absolute banger. The lyrics and tune sound like a spy thriller, pointing to Gru’s double life, from being an “ordinary” father to being a secret agent.
After watching the movie, I couldn’t disagree more with Rotten Tomatoes’ outrageous rating of 56%. I tend to avoid looking at scores from these sites because the only way I’ll know how enjoyable it is is to watch it myself, and I really like the story of Despicable Me and the Minions. In comparison to the first movie, the fourth movie cannot measure up to it, but the continuous story with memorable and likable characters did not disappoint. The only worry I have about this franchise is that one day they’ll flop with one rushed film without a decent story or script and leave me disappointed. I love Despicable Me, and it’ll always be one of my favorite childhood memories, so all I ask from them is to never make a live-action film.
As the upcoming film Minions 3 is set to be released in 2027, I’m excited to see what’s in store. Maybe unexplored characters will shine as the franchise continues to expand. I’d give Despicable Me 4 a 4/5, not because it’s the fourth movie, but because of its entertaining graphics, script, and creativity.