The widely anticipated dark fantasy comedy horror Beetlejuice Beetlejuice was released theatrically on September 6, 2024. In this sequel to Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice (1988), Lydia Deetz (Winona Ryder), our protagonist from the original film, has grown up and become the host of supernatural talk show Ghost House, due to her ability to see spirits. However, this unique ability creates a strained relationship between her and her rebellious daughter, Astrid (Jenna Ortega), who continues to grieve the death of her father. The Deetz family is reunited at the original house upon the death of Lydia’s father, Charles when the unwelcomed Beetlejuice (Michael Keaton) appears once again, looking to return to the living realm from the Afterlife. When Astrid accidentally opens the portal to the Afterlife, Lydia calls thrice upon Beetlejuice to help save her daughter, and the story unfolds
Because Beetlejuice Beetlejuice focuses on an emotional revisitation of characters from the original film, I highly recommend watching Beetlejuice (2024) prior to streaming this film, for a better understanding of the developments in the character relationships. In the first film, the Maitlands, a recently deceased couple, attempt to drive the newly moved-in Deetz family from their home with the assistance of Beetlejuice. However, Beetlejuice has sinister plans to return to the living realm by marrying the young Lydia Deetz. Burton’s emphasis on familial values continues in the sequel; Lydia’s distant relationship with her stepmother, Delia, in the first film parallels her tense relationship with Astrid in the new film. This mother-daughter relationship is especially important in the sequel as the inciting event of Astrid opening the portal to the Afterlife is caused by her skepticism of her mother’s spiritual powers. Compared to other Burton films such as The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993), Beetlejuice Beetlejuice has a greater emphasis on comedy, while still incorporating macabre visuals.
Despite being produced over 30 years after the first film, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice captures many aspects of the original, particularly with its mind blowing visuals and quintessential soundtrack. With spilling guts and bulging eyes, the grotesque and ghastly visuals of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice can create uneasiness within the audience. Similarly to Beetlejuice, the utilization of claymation adds an eerie and otherworldly vibe to the Afterlife, where a majority of the film takes place. The emphasis on lighting distinguishes the realm of the living from the dead, with warm soft lighting of the living world contrasting against the harsh green/red and blue/purple lighting pairs of the Afterlife. Supplementing these visuals are nostalgically eerie and fantastical compositions by Danny Elfman and a multitude of popular 80s and 90s songs, including “Tragedy” by Bees Gees and “MacArthur Park” by Donna Summer, bringing the audience back to the time setting of the original movie.
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice receives a personal rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars. Although Beetlejuice Beetlejuice was amusing to watch due to its bizarre storyline and comical characters, the plot was difficult to follow and oddly paced, particularly due to a rushed ending. With a myriad of entertaining side plots, the film can feel messy and overstuffed with information. However, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice brought together an incredibly talented and well known cast, including Williem Dafoe and Danny DeVito, with reviews especially praising the performances of Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, and Jenna Ortega. While the sequel may not compare to the original film, intriguing plot twists, elements of musical theater, and the Burtonesque style of the film makes Beetlejuice Beetlejuice an excellent Halloween movie.