Money. Everybody wants it. But I made it a hobby—a collection.
In June of 2024, I took my first trip abroad to Bangkok, Thailand, where I was immediately presented with vibrant colors and a crisp feel in exchange for the crumpled American dollars that laid in my pocket. I wouldn’t realize at the time, but I quickly became a fanatic. The contrasts in color, weight, texture, and feel of every coin and note I began to collect quickly absorbed my mind—I would search for rare coins on Craigslist, refreshed my YouTube homepage with like-minded collectors, and headed to pawn shops in hopes of an addition to my collection. I never considered hoarding, because it was out of genuine interest. And it taught me much more about the world I live in than just the different bills.
The Mexican peso quickly became my favorite. It was light, textured, ingrained with elaborate designs. My collection is pretty mid-sized—only 8 countries—so there’s hope for a new favorite. Each piece reminds me not only of my personal experiences, but the cultures, people, and hopes for the future that I hold. And of course I don’t want to stop—it’s not like it’s making me poorer!