As my tenure as freshman class officer so far, I wasn’t really able to have a lot of freedom or experimentality. One of my goals is to make class councils have a bigger role throughout the year. This year, class council only helped out during homecoming week, and I want to get them more involved through events such as multicultural rally, winter week, etc.
Although our energy and spirit were very strong for freshmen, I think that next year I want to bring more diversity and new faces to the class council. I know other classes have the same people participating in every event, and I want to avoid that for our class to make sure we are really including everyone and making everyone feel like they’re involved.
Being the class officer along with my sister is definitely a great experience because we both think alike but still bring different aspects. We’re like a well-oiled machine, I would say, and it’s a lot more exciting.
Although we were the only candidates to run, I’m still really thankful for the opportunity. Hopefully next year, there will be more people trying out for the position. Still, I’m very excited that we got the class officer, and we’re very passionate about it and doing well in the position. I think this allows us to really enhance our sophomore year and make sure that everyone enjoys it.
Class council is a good way for people who are not super committed but also want to be involved in school activities to help out. It’s a great outlet for students.
As class officers, we’re very lucky to be managing it and making sure we’re constantly motivating other people from our class. Our daily jobs include the meetings that we have every week and the events we host every month. Whether it’s multicultural week or homecoming week, we always have different events planned.
I would say that during my childhood, I’ve always been very inspired by leadership. In my family, I’d be the one making Halloween costumes for everyone, or planning Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. I think that was what really kickstarted my leadership journey. In middle school, I was very fortunate to have an advisor who pushed me to run for a leadership position. I lost a lot in elementary school, so it didn’t automatically start off with me winning everything. However, I won for the first time in 6th grade, so I kept running each year because I felt being in these positions were really nice and something I enjoyed.