On Tuesday, March 4, during 2nd and 3rd period, 9th Grade CCA teachers Mr. Moyer and Ms. Ferrer hosted their CCA Film Showcase. Students from both periods of each teacher gathered in Norse Hall, rm. 104, to view the original creations.
The month-long project featured a creative Romeo and Juliet parody video with special effects, editing, and cinematography. Groups of 3-4 freshman students came together to film and edit a unique video, using different film themes such as school, vampires, chefs, and even foxes. Each group brought their own creative twist to the classic Shakespearean tragedy, incorporating elements of humor, drama, and suspense to craft a film that reflected their unique storytelling styles. The project challenged students to think critically about cinematography and editing while encouraging teamwork and problem-solving throughout the creative process.
Kaden Nguyen (9), whose role was Friar Lawrence and Romeo’s guard, explained, “One takeaway from the event was the location, because it was closed off. So, we tried looking for an abandoned area, like the railroad tracks. We eventually ended up just going into a parking area where we went to the garage to record there.” The search for the perfect filming location proved to be an adventure in itself, pushing students to get creative with their settings while working within their limitations.
Leanda Rodriguez Sanchez (9), who played Romeo, gave her advice to incoming freshmen: “Make sure to memorize lines and do everything before the deadline.” The challenge of meeting the project deadline while balancing other schoolwork was something many students faced, emphasizing the importance of time management and preparation.
Despite the pressure, the freshman had much fun filming this project through bonding with groupmates and expressing their creative voice. The experience not only strengthened their understanding of film techniques but also fostered friendships and collaboration.
Regarding the event planning process, Mr. Moyer reflected on the challenges of organizing the showcase, stating, “We had to coordinate that our projects would be compatible to show together. We had to reserve the space and get all the work done on time.” The logistics of hosting a successful screening required careful planning and cooperation between both teachers, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable event for all students involved.
Ms. Ferrer explained, “It helped that Mr. Moyer and I have the same CCA periods. Both our CCA classes are period two and period three.” This alignment allowed them to seamlessly integrate their students’ work into a cohesive showcase, making the experience more impactful for both classes. After a carefully thought-out process, both Mr. Moyer and Ms. Ferrer were able to host their CCA Film Showcase successfully, marking the culmination of weeks of hard work and dedication from their students.
After the event ended, Ms. Ferrer expressed, “I think I like seeing my students talking about cinematography and editing techniques, because I think that’s the point of the project. For the CCA students, the point is for them to learn about storytelling techniques through artistic mediums like filmmaking. So hearing them share a little bit about the editing and the camera work that went into their projects was kind of the point of the project, so I’m pretty proud of them.”
Mr. Moyer also noted, “For future showcases, I could see maybe having some kind of prize or a voting system where kids select one they like the best, or maybe popcorn or something fun like that.” The idea of incorporating audience participation or small rewards added an element of excitement to the discussion, leaving room for future showcases to evolve into an even more engaging and celebratory experience.
Overall, the CCA Film Showcase ended on a good note, and both teachers and students greatly enjoyed the project. The event not only served as a learning opportunity but also as a chance for students to see their hard work come to life on screen. Through collaboration, creativity, and perseverance, the showcase highlighted the talents of Irvington’s freshman class, leaving a lasting impression on all who participated!