I do social activism through GSA (Irvington Gender-Sexuality Alliance Club). At GSA, we work on promoting LGBTQ equality and awareness. Mainly, we try to do this within the school, but it also extends to Fremont as a whole as well. It’s important to promote healthy unity with and within the LGBTQ community, because right now, we don’t necessarily have that in the world. We work on our own but we also partner up with different clubs to promote anything to do with helping people form healthy relationships and understanding within their community. As a club, although GSA doesn’t have specific policies, we are working with teachers and to promote a better sense of awareness within the school. For example, we’re working to do a pride event for the school.
My entrance into social activism work mainly comes from my passion for the club and the community it supports. I plan on doing more activist work in the future because it’s really helpful, and in this day and age, it’s very important. For me, my social activism consists of going to rallies and promoting causes on social media, because social media is such a big factor nowadays in terms of outreach.
I often find inspiration from the people that I work with and my community, especially in terms of the passion and care they put into activism. More famous activists and the work and effort they put in, as well as the effects their actions produced, also help to inspire me. Activist work can be frustrating at times, but it’s far from useless. It’s very important.
I’d encourage people to join in on social activist work. It mostly consists of joining causes that you have a passion in, especially any clubs that you have passions in, and working to make an impact. If you don’t find anything that you see fits you, or see a social cause that is neglected, you can also start your own club or group and make an impact that way as well. Even alone, you can still have an influence in a social cause or field.