It’s probably been a while since you read this series. Let’s get a little nostalgic and revisit a childhood favorite, Thea Sisters. As a kid, I was extremely disappointed when I couldn’t find it on Buzzfeed with all the Harry Potter ones, except for the obvious favorite color questions. This quiz is the perfect combination of current school life with the subtlety of each character.
- You realize you have a math and chemistry test on the same day, and you haven’t studied for either. What do you do?
- You would never be in that situation; anticipate the conflicting exams two weeks prior and make a thousand study guides to prepare for both while getting nine hours of sleep.
- Oh no! Miss school the next day; who cares about a C? Of course you don’t want to sacrifice yourself and have white hair and eye bags from lack of sleep (that is so not slay).
- Organize your Quizlet flashcards, then forget about it because it’s too hard, and then pull out your ChatGPT-generated practice tests to lock in for an all-nighter.
- Skim through the textbooks and wing it; you’re tired from running 10.65 miles within 7 seconds after school, so you decide to eat the pages hoping it will magically make you smarter.
- Stress bake and then “study” by helping your friends eat the food.
- What is your go-to study environment (AKA the best way you don’t procrastinate [though if you’re Colette, you probably do])?
- Have matcha or green tea, blast classical music on Spotify, and lock in (the five-minute breaks are reserved for strange yoga poses).
- Gahhh… you forgot to study.
- The local library has good computers to pull up billions of tabs. Anki, Quizlet, and especially ChatGPT (who is now begging you for a rest), are a way to go.
- Studying somewhere outdoors is better; you would rather be studying in the cemetery than in your room. Who cares about Wi-Fi? You carry your heavy textbooks everywhere (you’re so buff IRL).
- Go to a local small-business pizza place, get caught up working in the kitchen even though you’re a customer, and eat the burnt pizza you made while you work.
- What is the non-profit you’re starting to put on college apps (and abandon it later)?
- You’re already the concertmaster for the biggest and baddest youth symphony of baddies around, and slayed all ballet competitions. There’s no need or time for non-profits; you’re already tier 1 for all your extracurriculars and Ivy-bound.
- You have a passion project: fashion designing that you’re making a non-profit by doing something (you don’t know yet), but the internship you paid ten thousand dollars for might help.
- Code4Kids; you want to go into CS, so you specialized your non-profit around it. Actually, it’s quite successful. Your coding boot camps (totally safe) for tiny tots until a foot tall have been a huge success in Fremont, Cupertino, and other cities in the Bay Area.
- After taking APES, you’ve been so inspired that you started an eco-sustainability non-profit. It’s all about recycling and kind of vague, but at least your officer position in the cave-digging club might help.
- Since you’re such a nonchalant dreadhead, you don’t worry about what other Bay Area kids are doing. Your part-time job is to go home and watch Netflix before going to bed.
- You get a 99 on your Algebra 2/Trig Test, which everyone else failed. How do you react?
- “Fiddlesticks, I didn’t get a full score!” Since you’re such a perfectionist, you cry and shamelessly line up behind the kids bargaining for a pass, only to get the one extra point.
- When your classmates are exchanging grade sorrows, you pull up mid-conversation and say, “I did sooo bad too,” and then proceed to tell them you got a 99, which will make them tell you to “shut the [door] up” immediately.
- You don’t tell anyone your score, but if people do find out, you very kindly offer to share your Google Doc labelled “Chapter 7: A Comprehensive Study Guide,” which takes fifty days to finish reading.
- When everyone was scrambling on Aeries to check their grade, you were outside touching grass. “Huh? What was my score again?”
- Comfort all the low scorers, and tell them you’re always here to help. You offer your especially sad, barely passing (they have an A-) friends a cookie you found lying next to the sewers.
- What is your friend group like?
- Hardworking AP class kids who got stuck with all the hard teachers in the same year. During lunch, the essence of the sounds your group makes consists of: “OMG I got 4,237 for question 8 on the test too!!! *happy sounds*” and “I only got an 89, *everyone comforts the poor 89 recipient*”.
- Your group has the peak drama: “Oh omg yk what happened??” and “Yeahh… don’t tell anyone you got this from me tho…” If you’re in Drama, you probably have an A+++.
- The friend group that has a club meeting every lunch; you’re rarely together, so you stop in the middle of the crowded hallways to gossip.
- Your friend group decides to take risks and sweatily run to and back from Pacific Commons during lunch. So athletic that you’re faster than those boxy Cybertrucks.
- Food-fest! You and all your friends have a feast. You’re the most down-to-earth friend group who keep on plotting to start a mukbang club but never do.
If you got mostly 1’s, you’re Violet! You’re extremely smart, well-organized, and one of those kids who gets straight A’s in every difficult class while also pestering everyone to be in bed by nine p.m. Your taste in music and intellect are extremely elegant and are to be envied. Classical literature such as Jane Eyre and Emma are your comfort books along with Tchaikofsky’s music. Your biggest decision is choosing between Hogwarts, Harvard, and Stanford.
If you got mostly 2’s, you’re Colette! One of the coolest people ever. Your fashion sense is impeccable, and you pride on appearances and impressions more than anything. You might accidentally be a little insensitive, but you’re well-meaning and have a lot of friends. You might also be that friend in the friend group who spills the tea or is the reason for the tea. Don’t worry, we all know about the passion project that you aren’t passionate about. Your Instagram highlights are the definition of aesthetic, but what they don’t know about is the five thousand photos your friend had to take to make you satisfied.
If you got mostly 3’s, you’re Paulina. Working smart instead of hard is your motto, and you use tech but are also very academically honest (ChatGPT is soooo pathetic). This translates to your social life as well; you’re that one friend who no one dislikes and is sweet to everyone, from sharing notes to being kind. The texts you get fall into the following categories: (1) “pls send me math notes thx.” (2) “bro can u send me ur quiz, ik u got a 100, and i need it to study for the test” (3) “hii i need 100 dollars as a favor” (probably don’t answer that, they are hacked).
If you got mostly 4’s, you’re Nicky. The most nonchalant person ever, but also nice to everyone. You’re athletic and play three sports, and you’re that person who always brings food for the team. You’re super chill and are more likely to shrug off a B or C than anyone else, but you still give your best effort — as long as it’s before ten p.m. Stop dragging your friends on runs on your birthday — no one except you considers it a party. However, your nonchalance comes at a price; you’re a calm person in a coffee-addict-running-on-two-hours-of-sleep-to-study-for-calc-test school. It might be claustrophobic sometimes.
If you got mostly 5’s, you’re Pamala. You’re a genuinely nice person who is always there for your friends. Everyone loves you because you always have snacks you’re willing to share. Also, you’re super protective of your friends — never be nice to their faces but always behind their back. Bringing and making food is important to you: #bigbackforlife. Next time, please invite me to your Nikocado Avocado-themed mukbang, thank you very much.