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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


Criminal Podcast: I’m About to Save Your Life

Criminal Podcast: I’m About to Save Your Life

Shivani Manivasagan, Staff Writer March 19, 2019

How do a traffic jam on the way home from work, a minor car accident, and 6 simple words result in a 25 year long blackmail scheme that results in over $100,000 exchanging hands? Such an incredulous story...

The set design of Apocalypseburg (featured in the background) was a stunning masterpiece.

Lego Movie 2 Review

Prahalad Chari, Staff Writer March 19, 2019

Sequels: they never do well. But, the Lego Movie 2 managed to hold its ground as a creative movie that was able to showcase the variety of the Lego universe once again. The previous movie ended by revealing...

Miss Bala Takes a Bullet

Miss Bala Takes a Bullet

Alice Shu, Staff Writer March 19, 2019

“Miss Bala”, which roughly translates to “Miss Bullet”, was released on Feb. 1st. It’s a typical action movie that has more screen time dedicated to explosions instead of meaningful character...

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