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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


Creator and star of the Mindy Project, Mindy Kaling worked closely with many of the other major characters in the show to direct and produce the Hulu comedy

The Mindy Project season finale falls short despite a great last season

Atira Nair, Entertainment Editor December 20, 2017

With it’s sixth and final season, the Mindy Project successfully ended a comedic, feel-good show about an out-of-the box Indian American woman on a quest for love in New York, leaving viewers feeling...

Here is Cherry showing off her shell collections to a player, who really was the person who collected all the shells for her, while Cherry shamelessly goes to her campsite and sleeps in her bed.

Animal Crossing does not leaf up to expectations

Annika Yong, Web Editor December 19, 2017

Nintendo released the smartphone version of one of its most popular games, Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, which reached 15 million downloads since its launch on Oct. 25. Animal Crossing is a social simulation...

Students “Reach” for the Skies in Reflection

Fiona Zhao, Staff Writer December 19, 2017

For the annual PTSA Reflections Art Contest, the Irvington student body showcased its strength in the Arts and Humanities under the theme “Within Reach.” Six students from Ms. Parker’s AP Studio...

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