The Irvington Voice


Trumps hotels now also serve mouth-watering “gourmet human lung bowls” in addition to their usual delicacies like Diet Coke.

I Want To Eat Your Lungs

Prahalad Chari, Broadcast Manager September 27, 2020

Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on the American people. Now more than ever, we need to rally together behind science and find a way to stop the disease. While initial medical trials for a vaccine...

Fabulous mask designs meant to help you get a good conversation with your besties.

Tips and Advice to Enjoy the Pandemic

Sadhana Chari, Staff Writer September 27, 2020

It’s that time of year again. Everything is beautiful and the sun shines in the orange-tinted sky. The current apocalyptic conditions make it the perfect time to head outside and meet friends. But there’s...

A historically accurate depiction of my conversation.

A Non-Disastrous Conversation w/ My Past Self Before the Pandemic

Jay Phatak, Staff Writer September 27, 2020

Remember when you could go outside without wearing a mask? Yeah, me neither. These past few months in quarantine have taken a toll on our tiny Homo Sapiens brains and since our memories are pretty much...

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The Newspaper of Irvington High School