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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


Trump leans in for a kiss while Marjorie Taylor Green stares into the distance, contemplating the political implications of Rothschild space lasers.

The Denture-Dropping Divas of DC

Grant Yuan, Staff Writer September 20, 2024

They say DC is Hollywood for ugly people, but even in the dirtiest of dumpsters, there are a few gems here and there. Sure, maybe a few politicians look like they peaked during the Washington administration,...

How to Dress Non-Chalant?

Arnav Dua, News Editor September 20, 2024

The age-old question: how can I look nonchalant? In this article, The Irvington Voice Vogue will cover a step-by-step guide on how you (yes, even you!) can be nonchalant. (Ebay) Let’s start...

To no one's surprise, the teacher’s rolling chair takes first place on the podium.

I Can’t Stand Sitting: A Rating on Chairs of Irvington

Sherilyn Chan, Staff Writer September 20, 2024

We never sit down and truly think about what we’re sitting on… until we get severe back pain. From cold chairs to wobbly stools, Arthur Itis (11) realized that his poor posture looked like he was practicing...

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