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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


Woman hits the streets to declare that she is very upset.

Cancel Culture: Modern Day Witch Trials

Cindy Yu, Opinions Editor October 25, 2021

Amy Cooper hit the headlines in May of last year. In a Karen-esque incident that left the nation furious, Amy Cooper, a white middle aged woman, freaked out and called the cops on a Christian Cooper, a...

AP classes are not provided during 9th or 10th grade courses (AP European History is not provided at Irvington).

AP Courses: Would It Be Appropriate for Sophomores, Too?

Sophie Mo, Staff Writer October 18, 2021

AP courses are stressful. This is a well-acclaimed fact that many high school students can validate, staying up late slaving over essays and labs, all for their advanced placement classes. It is this...

A poster for Eternals, the Marvel movie that Angelina Jolie stars in releasing November 2021.

It’s Time to Get Rid of Big Names in Big Movies

Ojas Vatsyayan, Staff Writer October 18, 2021

We’ve all spent an embarrassing amount of our lives thinking about how life and the world would change if we could shoot webs from our hands, and small actors in the Marvel universe have grown with...

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