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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


The negative effects of fast fashion all pile up to danger the planet and the lives of garment workers.

Don’t Cash in to Fast Fashion

Joy Kuo, Staff Writer November 11, 2019

People tend to associate fashion with stylish trends, but what isn’t so stylish is the buildup of textile waste in landfills: one of the many detrimental consequences of fast fashion. Fast fashion is...

The possibilities are endless in Minecraft as you can create small structures or even a giant medieval town.

Mighty Minecraft Makes A Comeback

Prahalad Chari, Broadcast Manager October 29, 2019

“Oh my gosh! That was like so last month! Why do you even play [insert game name] anymore?” Sassy comments like these perfectly sum up the nature of most games: they become the most popular thing in...

Netflix has become the mainstream source of home entertainment.

Binge Culture: The Depreciation of Appreciation

Justin Kim, Copy Editor October 29, 2019

With the immense boom in recent years, streaming services have overtaken cable TV as the primary source of entertainment. Convenient and fast services like Netflix drop entire seasons for eager fans to...

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