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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


NFL Punishments: What needs to be done (a lot) and what has been done (nothing)

February 11, 2015

The problem of the NFL’s inconsistent discipline policy By Caitlin Chen | Staff Writer Though the NFL is neither a policing force nor a guidance counselor, it is subject to much blame from its...

Will There be Chopsticks?

Will There be Chopsticks?

January 26, 2015

With a new Asian American family sitcom, Hollywood still has room for progress when portraying Asian Americans By Enya Kuo | Editor-in-Chief I don’t eat “white people lunch.” I bring rice and...

Ferguson Protests: Race or Excessive Police Powers?

December 25, 2014

Ferguson decision protests leans more toward race than excessive police powers By Channing Whitaker | Staff Writer In Ferguson, Missouri on Aug. 9, Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was...

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