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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


Disney drinks some self-awareness juice as you attempt to name every reference onscreen.

Ralph Breaks My Expectations

Alice Shu, Staff Writer December 16, 2018

Walt Disney Animation Studios recently released Ralph Breaks the Internet, the sequel to Wreck-It-Ralph, released in 2012. Last time we saw Ralph and Vanellope, they were trying to save the arcade they...

The next time you have trouble printing your assignment, drop by Room 101-A. You’re most likely to find Sai Kesari there. While you’re at it, you’ll probably notice the “Berbawy Makers” sign. His Arduino drawing device made that, too.

A Look into the Life of a Computer (Sai)ntest

Isha Sanghvi, Editor-in-Chief September 1, 2018

Most students spend passing periods agonizing over how to print out last-minute assignments. Senior Sai Kesari, on the other hand, spends his free time experimenting with improving such printers. Case...

2018 Voice Applications Are Here!

2018 Voice Applications Are Here!

February 4, 2018

Thank you for your interest! Click the link below to download the application: NEW-Voice-Application-2018-Vol.-26 Reminder: We only accept TYPED applications! Applications are due by February 23...

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