“…I think it’s right that I give back to this school”: Michael Wang

Wang hopes his leadership in camps and Boy Scouts inspires kids to become leaders just like him.

Michael Wang

Wang hopes his leadership in camps and Boy Scouts inspires kids to become leaders just like him.

Sahil Saxena, Business Manager

For my Eagle-Scout project, I repaired the boys’ locker room. The whole project only took two days. The first day, I built the benches and locker covers at my house, and the second day, I installed them at Irvington. Some of the lockers were broken, with their doors falling off and failing to close. I removed some of those doors and hinges and installed wooden boards to cover up the lockers so that people wouldn’t throw trash in them. I think I covered up a total of 12 lockers. Then I also replaced two broken benches in the back.

I chose this project because I didn’t particularly like the locker rooms. When I took PE classes, the room was messy and some of the benches were wobbly. Plus, we learn a lot about ourselves and mature more than we ever have in our lives at Irvington. Therefore, I think it’s right that I give back to this school. That’s why I aimed to impact the entire school; future freshmen and sophomores will get to use the new benches and clean lockers.

I fundraised for this project by selling Jamba Juice gift cards. My parents’ friends, some people at school, and a lot of people in my troop bought them. I had some tools and building materials at home already, but I used the money I fundraised to buy whatever I didn’t have.  

The skills I learned as Boy Scout really helped bring about change in my community. I first joined the Boy-Scout program in junior high school after participating in White Stag leadership camps. After participating as a camp member, I decided to become a staff member and train kids year-round. I tried to teach them the leadership skills that I had learned in the camp. It was really cool to give my experiences back to younger kids. The White Stag camps were a big inspiration for me to change the lives of kids in camps and in my school. Because of Boy Scouts, I was not only able to give back to my school but also learn to be independent and break out of my own shell.