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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

Christopher Roller later alleged that David Copperfield and three other magicians conspired to murder him; on the basis of no evidence, the court threw out his case. (Photo: List25 and Wikipedia)

Christopher Roller v. David Copperfield

December 30, 2015

By Caitlin Chen | Opinions Editor In a $50 million lawsuit filed in March 2005, Minnesota illusionist Christopher Roller accused celebrity magician David Copperfield of infringing Roller’s patent...

A screenshot from the surveillance footage of the woman.

Catching Criminals With Youtube

April 13, 2014

Irvington junior gets video of prep book thief By Rohit Dilip | Staff Writer Police apprehended a woman involved in an ongoing investigation regarding various package thefts on April 7th, largely...

Each year, Kumar’s preschoolers place very high in Mandlebrot for Tots

Multivariable Calculus for Tots

April 1, 2014

You Learned This in Kindergarten, Right? By Cindy Meng | Sports Editor In addition teaching Advanced Placement STEM-related courses at Irvington for the past 8  years, Dr. Kumar started his own pre-school...

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