How Counselors Decide a Student’s Schedule

Nikoo Alizadeh, Staff Writer

Do you ever wonder how our counselors arrange our schedules every year? Registration season seems to be more stressful for students who are trying to find as many AP’s as possible to take, rather than the counselors who supposedly put in so much effort in putting those schedules together. AND everyone is especially annoyed since the counselors purposely hide in the teacher’s lounge during the day and go to their office late just to avoid the long line outside their door.

Many students may think that all counselors put the schedule together in a similar way, but it actually, really depends on the counselor. Some couldn’t care less how you’re going to fit all of those 10 different AP’s classes you signed up for in your schedule and don’t have a traditional way of assigning teachers either. Instead, they just use a wheel of fortune to determine which teachers you’ll get. However, other counselors are more strict. These are the ones that want confirmation from you at least five times before letting you take even one honors class.  These counselors also make their own strict guidelines about the grades you have to maintain to play a sport every season.

Also, counselors mainly base how generous they are about giving students all of their requested classes based on how little you annoy them, so think twice before you make it your mission to annoy them every day. They actually keep tally how many times you visit them and the more tallies you have, the more likely they are to give you the worst teacher combination possible. If you’ve noticed that year after year, you always end up with the hardest teachers, that’s probably why. It’s time to face the facts: you’re annoying.

One common misconception is that you actually have to go to the boring AP meetings they hold during lunch. What’s the point of going if most of them are after the registration packet due date? The counselors make the AP teachers hold these meetings so that they have less work at the beginning of the year. They don’t want to have to deal with hundreds of students trying to drop out of their classes.