The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

Sink or Swim: Water Polo

The Water Polo team huddles around coach Kyle Souza as he gives a pregame speech.
Ishita Kapoor
The Water Polo team huddles around coach Kyle Souza as he gives a pregame speech.

On Wednesday, September 13, Water Polo played their 11th game of the season against Mission. With many new recruits participating in the match, morale was high, and team spirit was even higher. This new talent learned quickly, and the team managed to execute a well played game.

When asked about the loss Christopher Chan, the coach said, “This is a tough year, but I think that the boys are coming in with a lot of spirit and they’re giving it their best. We have a lot of new guys with not a lot of water polo experience, and they’re being asked to play varsity right away. But you know, they come to practice every day ready to learn, and ready to put in their full effort.”

With their utmost effort, the team pushed forward and never lost sight of the ball. As the coach stated, “Some more play time and practice will help these boys get back up from the losses, and really push through to get more wins.” 

As the game was coming to an end, Hammad Shabbir (12), team captain pulled through with one final try. When interviewed about it he said, “All we can do to prepare is really just improve our game every day. We’ll work as a team to improve our awareness and communication.”

That night, Irvington lost 0-25, but they kept their head held high. Completely confident that they would recover and come back even better and stronger next game. Pushing forward and keeping Mission’s team on their toes, they pulled through with a final try to get that ball into the goal. 

This loss did not take away from their value as a team. They are going to keep practicing and playing until they are happy with their performance. Coming into the team as a new player, Ojas Rokade (10) stated, “personal improvements are very important, so that we can contribute to playing better as a team in the future.” 

This year, the water polo team has struggled to keep a winning streak. And while this game was lost, the team hopes to continue to grow both in practice and in games.

About the Contributor
Ishita Kapoor
Ishita Kapoor, Staff Writer
Ishita Kapoor (10) is a first year staff writer for The Voice. She loves being part of a welcoming community and looks forward to writing many different articles! In her free time she enjoys playing golf and badminton. By the way, if you have watched TSITP and are team Jeremiah please don’t talk to her. If you want to be on the right side of this issue, here's her instagram (@ishkap706).
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