The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

Water Polo Season Comes to a Close as the Team Prepares for Next Year

Ishita Kapoor
The boys team rushes forward to steal the ball from the other team.

On October 17, the Irvington water polo team wrapped up their season with a game against Dougherty Valley and College Park. 

Engaging inPlaying a hard fought battle, the team managed to keep up their scores to end the season off with an unfortunate loss. The girls team kept the opposing team on the edge as the game came to a close with Irvington only losing by 2 points. The team showed some regret about the close loss, but the seniors were especially proud of this season.

Vivian Shiang(12), a senior on the team said, “The entire team came together for a group hug at the end, and it felt amazing. I don’t think we were too devastated by the loss because all we could focus on was this being our last game and just coming together as a team to have a memorable night.”

Paige Chen(12) also highlighted the improvements she’s made throughout her water polo journey. “When I first started playing I felt like I was only half committed, but going into the new season especially as a senior changed that. I feel like my commitment levels went up and the amount of skill that I’ve seen in myself has also improved a lot.”

The boys team also lost 12-1 that day, but saw themselves much improved from their previous games.

Ojas Rokade(10) commented on the score. “I think we fought really well and did our best but this was a really hard team. I hope that going forward we can improve on our communication and teamwork for next season.”

These losses did not bring down the team’s spirit but instead made them stronger. The team looks forward to improving and developing their skills for the season to come. 

The boys’ team coach commented saying, “ I think probably the number one thing that we need to improve on is just getting back on defence in general ball awareness”

Overall the team fought hard and ended their season on a memorable note.

About the Contributor
Ishita Kapoor
Ishita Kapoor, Staff Writer
Ishita Kapoor (10) is a first year staff writer for The Voice. She loves being part of a welcoming community and looks forward to writing many different articles! In her free time she enjoys playing golf and badminton. By the way, if you have watched TSITP and are team Jeremiah please don’t talk to her. If you want to be on the right side of this issue, here's her instagram (@ishkap706).
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