The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

Homecoming Top Four: Brayden Louie

Crystal Chen

Deciding to run for Homecoming Court was kind of an impulsive last-minute decision. Like, I filled out the application five minutes before it was due, but making that decision was a kind of a culmination of a lot of people telling me to run it and I was just like, why not? 

Coming in the final four was kind of a way to see a genuine reaction or acknowledgment of myself to see how much I’ve actually done. People vote for whoever they like the most, and in a sense, it’s like an acknowledgment of things you’ve done in a very natural way. I think I kind of wanted just to see where I lie in terms of impact.

And I’m not doing this just to get a court, I want to eventually win – that’s the goal. Obviously, before this, I didn’t know how popular I was amongst people, so I was having that anxiety of figuring out that while I was on the court. It doesn’t help that I have 4 million other things like marching band and college apps, but that’s the one negative part. Having that factor of surprise is also a part of the fun of it. 

I don’t feel like a senior, it just feels like every other year. It hasn’t really hit yet, but I’m starting to realize that and also understand that I have a responsibility as a senior to be somewhat of a good role model or at least help underclassmen in that regard.

If I would have to give advice to underclassmen, I genuinely mean it when I say just go for things. When people are scared to dress up for spirit days, or they’re scared to do an activity, it usually comes from a fear of looking like an idiot or looking stupid, looking not the part essentially, right. Embody what you do body, embody the culture around you, and just try your best. Like, it’s Irvington it’s going to be competitive but just be yourself, I guess. It’s the only way to stand out.

But it’s definitely been a long ride. Even though it’s been only three years it felt like forever. Academically I’m glad it’s going to be over soon, but I feel like seeing myself grow as a human being and the friends I’ve made is like something that I didn’t expect would happen. I’m really grateful mostly for the people that I’ve met and also, the people that have like, pushed me and pushed me into positions, uncomfortable positions. It’s like making you learn and everything. I don’t know. Now that it’s coming to an end, looking back on it is bittersweet.

About the Contributor
Crystal Chen
Crystal Chen, Features/Graphics Editor
Crystal Chen (12) looks forward to spending her third year at The Voice designing colorful features layout with Megan. In her free time, she loves to play Identity V and Genshin Impact with her friends. She also likes to draw digitally, but loses her Apple Pencil so often that it becomes quite a hassle sometimes. Her favorite musicians right now are Takayan and Tuyu.
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