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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


Locked on a Problem

Alice Shu, Staff Writer January 29, 2019

Most students use a locker in Irvington’s crowded hallways. Which begs the question: why get a locker in the first place? No one forced you to sign a locker form. And yet, on Maze Day, dozens of students...

The Best Advice Column

Justin Kim, Staff WRiter January 29, 2019

Dear Yolotl,   I’ve been having this question in my head recently for over a week now. It’s preventing me from going to sleep at night and I can’t stop thinking about it at school or at...

The Grinch that Stole Benchmark Projects

The Grinch that Stole Benchmark Projects

Rachel Kavalakatt, Staff Writer January 11, 2019

Administration, teachers, and staff were distraught at the scene of a major scandal uncovered early Monday morning at Irvington High School. Chaos ensued as reports of missing Change poster boards, WIP...

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