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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


[News Atlas] CRISPR, a popular gene editing technology, works by cutting, adding, and replacing parts of organisms’ DNA sequences.

A CRISP(R) Look At Genomics

Vidushee Mishra, Staff Writer February 5, 2019

Every year, 7.9 million children, 6% of the total infants throughout the globe, have a serious birth defect of genetic origin. In the future, this number can be almost completely eliminated with the use...

New, Glorious and Supportive Science

New, Glorious and Supportive Science

Roxana Shahmohammadu, Staff Writer January 31, 2019

FUSD has been going through many curriculum changes in the past few years, particularly in science and math subjects. From the introduction of Common Core to the implementation of Next Generation Science...

Never Gonna Succeed in Science

Never Gonna Succeed in Science

Kelly Feng, Guest Writer January 31, 2019

Irvington High school, like many other schools in the nation, has transitioned to a new NGSS pathway in the recent years. However, NGSS comes with many drawbacks such as the limitation of course flexibility...

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