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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


Club Spotlight: High-Schoolers make big impact in Grassroots Organization

October 29, 2019

Rising Youth Association is a non-profit organization founded and run by high school students that strives to provide quality education for children in low-income households. The organization was founded...

Quiz Bowl score a 6-4 win-loss record at Bay Area Fall Novice tournament. (Top row from left: Ambareesh S., Kaiwen X., Vincent W., Harnoor N. Bottom row from left: Amanvir P., Ayush P.)
Picture credit: Irvington Quiz Bowl

Quiz Bowl Novices Attend First Competition of the Year

Sameeha Salman, Staff Writer October 10, 2019

On September 21, Irvington’s Quiz Bowl team sent members to compete in the Bay Area Fall Novice tournament, which took place at St. Francis High School. The team of six freshmen scored a win-loss record...

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