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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


Wicked Saints: A Tale of Malevolence and Witchcraft

Wicked Saints: A Tale of Malevolence and Witchcraft

Akshita Nair, Staff Writer May 25, 2019

  New and upcoming author Emily A. Duncan’s debut novel “Wicked Saints” has surpassed expectations and made its way up to #4 on the New York Times Young Adult best-sellers list. Heavily influenced...

One of the film’s few strengths was its aesthetic depiction of Manhattan’s cultural vibrancy.

The Sun Is Also A Star, and is also an overbearing flop

Fiona Zhao, Student Life Editor May 25, 2019

Deus ex machina. “God from the machine” in Latin. It’s basically known as the frustrating, contrived plot device that miraculously solves all the plot dilemmas…and it’s exactly what connects...

“Hey kids! Spelling is fun!” -Taylor Swift ME

How Far Will Taylor Swift Go To Keep Her Reputation?

Sanjana Gudivada, Staff Writer May 25, 2019

“Can’t spell AWESOME without ME!”. Yes, this is an actual lyric from Taylor Swift’s new single “ME”. Swift is known for her impeccable songwriting, but her recent single didn’t live up to...

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