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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


Be Original, They Said

Rebeca Delgado, Staff Writer November 14, 2017

As Americans, when we think Thanksgiving, we think turkey dinners and pumpkin pie. Here’s how some people have found ways to make Thanksgiving their own. University of Wisconsin’s Frozen Turkey...

Commedia and Mime Show a Smashing Success

Shradha Krishnamurthy, Staff Writer November 14, 2017

Commedia, a comedy show hosted by Mr. Ballin’s drama classes, had the audience wildly entertained and laughing out loud. The vivid acting and the hilarious skits made for a memorable and entertaining...

Origin follows the journey of Robert Langdon and his journey in Bilbao, Spain

Furious religious leaders, computerized docents, and a earth- shattering secret to be unveiled: Dan Brown’s new book Origin

Elaine Chan, Student Life Editor November 10, 2017

Critically acclaimed author Dan Brown came out with his new book, Origin,  on Oct. 3.  Given that Dan Brown’s other books have topped New York Times Best Seller lists in the past, it’s no surprise...

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