The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

Youth Alive’s See You at the Pole

Christian students on campus gather for global day of prayer

By Enya Kuo

The Youth Alive Christian club hosted its annual See You at the Pole event on Wednesday, September 26, at the flagpole in front of the Valhalla theater. See You at the Pole is a global prayer event held on campuses all over the world. At 7:00 a.m. before school, around forty students gathered for an hour of worship, prayer, and fellowship with other Christian students at Irvington.

“We gathered to pray about the school and we worshipped the Lord by singing songs,” said Abby Wong, senior and president of Youth Alive. “We’re not ashamed to be Christians.”

With public Christian gatherings like this, Youth Alive hopes to establish a strong Christian community at Irvington.

“It’s just good to be with your Christian brothers and sisters at school; we reach out to each other,” said Mingze Li, a sophomore core member.

“I want to share about God’s Word and all the great things that He does,” said Kristy Ju, a junior core member.

Worship songs included “Deep” and “Unashamed,” with sophomore Eddie Shin on guitar and senior David Kwon on drums.

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