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The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice


You won't like sand. It's coarse, rough, irritating, and it gets everywhere. But according to Disney executives, you WILL love this movie.

Star Wars Episode IX Plot Leaked: So Good You Won’t Be Having a Bad Feeling About This

Andrew Fu, Opinions Editor March 9, 2019

The highly anticipated Star Wars Episode IX movie script was just leaked to the public by Voice journalists. Using the high ground and the Force, a group of Voice rebels carried out a covert operation...

How Counselors Decide a Student’s Schedule

How Counselors Decide a Student’s Schedule

Nikoo Alizadeh, Staff Writer March 6, 2019

Do you ever wonder how our counselors arrange our schedules every year? Registration season seems to be more stressful for students who are trying to find as many AP’s as possible to take, rather than...

Further investigation has shown that the Russians also placed trackers in Irvington IDs to track after school activity, but found that the students primarily 1) end up going home to sleep, 2) drive to boba places in San Jose, 3) the library, or 4) the occasional rave.

The Russian Empire Strikes Back on Irvington Students

Srinidhi Sankar, Opinions Editor February 17, 2019

After discovering that the newly installed clocks have microphones, some shocked Irvington teachers proceeded to disconnect their clocks on Feb. 20. However, the Voice’s recent investigation has revealed...

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