Yo. I’m Karthik and I’m one of your Editors in Chief this year! I’m a huge 49ers fan, I love anything chocolate, and I’ve developed an intereste in government and politics. But most importantly, I help run the newspaper that you read on a monthly basis. But enough about me. Let’s talk about you. I know what you’ll be doing in advisory this friday. You’ll be looking through the front page for student-relevent news, reading informed and interesting columns in the opinions section, learning about featured students in the student life section, exploring various concepts in the features section, getting advice on music and food in the arts and entertainment section, reliving Viking athletes’ victories in the sports section, laughing it up in the humor section, and looking back on school events in the photos section. I pride myself in writing for The Voice, and when I see someone else reading something I, or any of my fellow journalists, have written, it brings me a great satisfaction and a smile to my face.
Karthik Mayilvahanan (Editor in Chief)
March 27, 2014
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StaffMr. Matthew Phillips//Adviser
StaffChristine Bach//Publicity Manager
StaffKhushi Patel//Humor Editor
StaffJared Tse//Culture Editor
StaffRisheek Priyadarshi//Staff Writer
StaffCaitlin Chen//Media Manager
StaffVibhu Singhal//Business Manager
StaffNathan Fu//Sports Editor
StaffShonushka Sawant//Web Editor
StaffKelsey Ichikawa//Features Editor
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