The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

First Round ASB Elections 2014


I never knew how emotional it was.

After passively watching First Round ASB Elections go by the first few years, I finally had the opportunity to follow candidates and supporters and create a documentation of the entire day. It was a privilege to watch these candidates speak from the front row, to listen to supportive thoughts about each of them, and even watch them receive the good (or bad) news at the end of the day in the room – the infamous “decision-making” room.

Even though this was a straightforward VTV Journalism broadcast, I got a little creative with the presentation and had a lot of fun with light leaks, blurs, and fonts. Hopefully it spices up the video a bit, so it’s a lot more entertaining to watch. I treated it chronologically and somewhat like a VLOG, all while making sure not to compromise the main focus of the video (the candidates).

As a senior, it’s comforting to know that we’re leaving the student body behind in great hands. To the candidates: thanks for allowing me to experience such a journey with you all – it sounds a little creepy, but it’s an honor to embed this fleeting moment into a lasting video.

-Edited & Filmed by: Iris Lee

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