The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

Homecoming Winners-Student

Andy Chi:

Q: Congratulations! How does it feel to win the title, Homecoming King?
A: I feel loved, and I feel that my self esteem has gone up with receiving this title.
This really encourages me to go and meet everyone on campus.

Q: Do you think the choosing of the Homecoming winners is based on a popularity contest?

A: Yes. From the start, instead of choosing qualified candidates for Homecoming Kings or Queens, people only choose the names that they know.

Q: What was your first reaction when you heard your name as the winner?

A: I was completely surprised. I had felt really shy, and didn’t know what to do in that moment. I had prepared myself not to hear my name, not wanting to feel crushed if my name wasn’t chosen. I had felt really shy though, ducking down, trying to be humble—I knew I had made it on the court but I didn’t want to feel like a braggart.

Q: What does the title, Homecoming King, mean to you?
A; From winning this, I decided that I should reach out and get to know more people, and not just my friends. I want to meet my voters who had all supported me.

Q: If you could bring any celebrity or superhero with you to Homecoming Dance, who would you take?
A: I would definitely take Mike Conol of The Lost Kids dance company. He has the perfect body and perfectly developed muscles.

Kimmy Denne:

Q: Congratulations! How does it feel to win the title, Homecoming Queen?

A: I feel that it is really an honor to have all my hard work recognized.

Q: Do you think the choosing of the Homecoming winners is based on a popularity contest?

A: Based on the diversity of the candidates, no. Everyone was chosen due to their efforts.

Q: What was your first reaction when you heard your name as the winner?

A: It was totally shocking. Everyone was unique and had a chance of winning. I had wanted to hug everyone on court.

Q: What does the title, Homecoming Queen, mean to you?

A: Being Homecoming Queen is a big honor. It means a lot to me. I’m really appreciative and glad that all my participation and activities around school were noticed. Everyone on Homecoming Court had all contributed a lot and had equal chances of winning. I wish that everyone could have the title for their hard work.

Q: If you could bring any celebrity or superhero with you to Homecoming Dance, who would you take?

A: It’s a hard decision…but David Beckham, because he’s extremely good looking!

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