The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

April Fool’s Joke?

The true story behind April Fool’s day

Just 5 minutes before the end of 5th period on April 1st, an urgent announcement cracked over the intercom, urging all students to take cover for a lock- down. While everyone pondered about whether this lockdown was a planned April Fool’s joke or not, the second announcement came up with more urgency than the first.

This cryptic phenomenon was revealed shortly after 6th period. Mike, one of the campus supervisors, reported that “a student ran down [to the office] from the 200 wing  restroom” to report that her friend had trouble breathing. Concurrently, the school got a call informing that “there was a weapon at Robertson and that’s why there were all these police cars [students] saw”. He said that two unrelated incidents overlapped.

When asked if anyone at Irvington campus had a weapon, Mike responded that no one at school had a weapon but it “was across the street” at the Irvington Community Center. If there is any weapon found on anywhere in the school district, all schools are required to issue a lockdown.

Mike reassured that right now “everything is okay, everything is under control”.

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