Spotlight on Tanveer Malhi and Karina Uchiumi
1. What inspired you to play tennis? How long have you been playing?
Tanveer: I became interested in tennis when I was younger because my Dad used to take My sister and I out to play on weekends, and I fell in love with the sport. I got my first racket in elementary school, and i’ve been playing since then.
Karina: Roger Federer and Sarena Williams inspired me. I think I’ve been playing for 4 years?
2. What do you do to stay in shape (workout routines, diets, etc.)?
Tanveer: At the beginning of every practice, the team does fitness drills like liners, and we run a couple of laps around the courts. Over the weekend, I try going jogging and jumping rope to help with my footwork.
Karina: I play tennis. And sleep.
3. Any advice for future captains?
Tanveer: Being a captain, and being chosen to represent your team is a privilege, set a good example for the underclassmen, and always be there for your team mates when they need you. Most importantly, have fun and make your last season on the team memorable.
Karina: Sometimes it’s not about speaking out FOR others but speaking out WITH others. HAVE FUN and enjoy the team
*NOTE* Third captain, Aparna Dhinakaran, was away at D.C. when the interviews were conducted.