The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

The Newspaper of Irvington High School

The Irvington Voice

Pottermore is Open!

The long-awaited Harry Potter interactive experience has finally arrived!

For almost a year, Potterheads who didn’t get a beta account for Pottermore finally got their prayers answered with the official opening of Pottermore to the public on April 14. 2012. Even though the opening was supposed to be October 2011, the creators finally announced that the website would be opened early April, when they’ve finally fixed all the bugs and added the ideas suggested by the owners of the beta accounts.

Pottermore, for those of you Muggles, is an interactive game with Harry Potter created by Sony and J.K. Rowling, where you can make an account to receive your wand and be officially housed in Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, or Slytherin. You can also buy your school supplies, choose a pet to bring with you to Hogwarts, make potions, and duel with other wizards around the world. With a username, you can make friends with other wizards and witches; you simply need their username.

Going through the “pages” of the “book,” Potterheads relive the series with lively animations and bright music. Along with these pages, J.K. Rowling has also inserted notes and extra information about the book never seen before. For example, she explains the importance of the name “Petunia,” Harry’s aunt that he is forced to live with for the first seventeen years of his life, further information about each of the four houses, and the wizard counting system.

Since April 14, 2012, millions of Potterheads have made their accounts and began dueling. Although there are still bugs to fix and ideas to add, Pottermore is an exciting new way to continue their journey in the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

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